Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How do I apply EYE LINER?

This is very easy, just don't make it difficult and go overboard with it! (Unless your trying to pull off the dark-gothic look?) EW!

Choose an eyeliner appropriate for your eye color. Brown, navy and charcoal accent light eyes well, while brown and plum shades flatter brown eyes. Make sure your liner complements the color of your shadow.

2Step TwoConsider the type of look you're after. Pencil eyeliner gives your eyes soft definition, while liquid versions offer precision and drama. You can also moisten dark eye shadow and apply it with a small, flat brush.

3Step ThreePrepare a cake liner or a dark eye shadow by applying a small amount of water to your brush. Or, if you're using a pencil eyeliner, ensure that you've sharpened the pencil adequately.

4Step FourMove the wet brush gently through your cake liner or dark shadow. Hold the brush or pencil as you would hold a pen.

5Step FiveTilt your head back slightly and bring your eyes to a half-open state. This creates a good angle for application, while allowing you to see what you're doing.

6Step SixDraw a line across the upper lid just above the lashes, from the inside corner to the outside corner of the eye. If you're using liquid liner, allow it to dry before opening your eyes all the way, or the color may transfer into the crease of your eye.

7Step SevenIf you used a brush or a pencil, soften the look by gently smudging the line with your brush, a cotton swab or your finger.

8Step EightLine the lower lids. Moving from the outside edge inward, draw a line on the outer two-thirds of the lid or more, depending on the look you're going for. Your line should be slightly thicker at the outside corner, becoming thinner as it moves in toward your nose. Using your brush or pencil, lightly stroke the area. If using a liquid liner, apply it in one smooth stroke. Apply less color so your eyes don't appear raccoonlike.How do I apply EYE LINER?
http://youtube.com/watch?v=sdp_UAvA1zkHow do I apply EYE LINER?
look in magazines and try the looks that you like on your own eyes. that's how i learned, trial and error.
Meningitis is an infection that can be caused by ear infections you dumb A*s. It has nothing to do with your eyes!
Use it as a drawing pencil and outline your eye. Start toward the inside. Make the line wider on your top lid.
Hi, sweetie! Here's an excellent link I've kept since it shows everything! I copied it, originally, since I wanted to know how to use liquid eyeliner. Now I'm a pro at it. Have fun!

watch this video

People apply it many different ways. Here are some webites that can help! Good Luck!
There are 2 basic ways1)just around the line along the top of your top lashes,can also be done around the bottom lashes if you are first semi talented at applying eyeliner and second fairly young under 30 with no under eye circles or lines you want to pull attention too.I get best results with this method using a liquid liner I love Almay's or Physician formula(they look almost like the old pen and ink pots)they both have a fairly rigid applicator to keep line straight.You can also let dry and get a smudging tool to soften the line.2)This method seems to get best results using a eyeliner pencil,I love clinique's ,you open your eye wide and line just the ridges of both your eyelids,the little lip of your lids.Probably best with a brand you trust and know doesn't irritate your eyes.Be careful not to share makeup especially eyeliner and mascara.Eyes can easily be infected,Also don't let your makeup get too old or get exposed to extreme hot or cold temps.

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